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Lewis Regen is a Certified Instructor since 2010, specializing in Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Yoga, Massage and Nature Connection. He has earned certifications from the Chinese Traditional Martial Arts and Cultural Exchange Association, Holden Qi Gong, Five Branches, and Cypress Health Institute. Since 2009, Lewis has apprenticed under Qi Gong Master Lee Holden. Currently, Lewis works as a Masterclass Instructor, guiding students through specialized mind-body practices within Holden Qi Gong's Teacher Certification Program. Lewis also teaches Qi Gong in the University System, Esalen and with the Mountain Park Foundation. |
Discover the Key practices with time proven and now science validated essential techniques for more energy, mindfulness, stress management, immune system strength and longevity.
Essential Qi Gong: Full Body Flow (Digital Video Download 30 mins)
This Essential Qi Gong practice includes:
- The Essential 3 Treasures of Qi Gong Energy Awakening
- Longevity Qi Gong movement meditation
- Acupressure Massage for Vitality
- Iron Shirt Qi Gong Tapping
- Five Element Qi Gong Flow to Nourish and Balance the whole body
- Energy Centering and Integration Meditation
You will receive the video download link in an email.
Thank you and enjoy the Video!
-Qi Gong (Also seen spelled as Chi Kung 气功; this Translates to working with life force energy)
Qi Gong includes techniques for increasing energy levels, with Deep Breathing, focuses intention, internal alignment and Meditative Exercises.
-Tai Chi (Also Seen spelled as Taiji 太极; This Translates to Ultimate Energy Art)
Tai Chi is a Meditative Movement Healing and Martial Art for accessing embodied mindfulness the optimal "Flow" state of being.
-Ba Gua (Also Seen spelled as Pa Kua 八卦; This Translates to 8 forces of Nature)
Ba Gua involves circle walking meditations for deeply aligned core strength, dynamic flexibility, Balance and Transformation.
"Lewis has distilled the essence of ancient Taoist teachings. From his classes I've gained new perspectives on my health, well-being and vitality. I've learned simple techniques to cultivate more energy, and to become more aware of subtle energy. I love the vibration and standing meditations." Mr. Usinger - Yoga teacher
Studying with world famous Grandmaster Teachers, Lewis brings together the essence of these practices and with reverence presents them in a transformative, engaging and accessible way.
- 2011-2024 Study with National Treasure Grand Master Shifu Jia Shusen in Ba Gua, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Lewis is a received a certification as a Ba Gua Instructor and a part of the Cheng style Lineage as the Grand Masters Disciple.
- 2013 Mount Madonna Ashtanga Yoga Institute Certified Yoga Instructor by Baba Hari Dass
- 2011-2015 Grand Master Zhou Ting Jue. Training in advanced Qi Gong and Ba Gua, Multiple Intense workshops
- 2011-2024 Study with National Treasure Grand Master Shifu Jia Shusen in Ba Gua, Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Lewis is a received a certification as a Ba Gua Instructor and a part of the Cheng style Lineage as the Grand Masters Disciple.
- 2013 Mount Madonna Ashtanga Yoga Institute Certified Yoga Instructor by Baba Hari Dass
- 2011-2015 Grand Master Zhou Ting Jue. Training in advanced Qi Gong and Ba Gua, Multiple Intense workshops
"Lewis is the best Qi Gong master I've ever met worth your time. I assure you. His technique is so well translated and simply put for how deep it is it's amazing... even if you never tried Qi Gong yet. This is perfect for you. You'll like it." - Ben E.